Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here" (Dante)

I shall abandon all hope in the coming weeks as I will be super busy with:
  • another TIGHT deadline --- damn it! I should have said NO but now it's too late I'll end up working at nights... no kidding;
  • a week in London which entails both being super professional and (hopefully) having fun + catching up with friends (not sure I'll be able to update the blog from there);
  • pilates on Fridays --- damn it! I should have said NO but now it's too late I'll end up going in a very bad mood;
  • a surprise party for one of my best friends ---- damn it! I should have said NO but now it's too late and we'll end up going, pretending to get along with other "people" we barely know;
  • ... what else? If I abandon all hope, I won't forget good wine. It might be of help in the coming weeks along with coffee & chocolate.


  1. Yes.....but.....
    - you enjoy your work (I think)
    - London will be great fun and I think you know that
    - you will feel good after pilates
    - you will enjoy the surprise party

    The wine, coffee and chocolates might help, for certain :-D

  2. I totally agree with you Andy. I feel better today and I had a tight sleep after my first pilates lesson.
