Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hidden fire

The main risk when one is so focused on writing is losing touch with reality. I don't bake, dress up, go out anymore: I am absorbed in my thoughts. Moreover writing in another language is a significant effort, I'm exhausted at the end of the day. I can't even speak sometimes. I have become to realize that this is one of the few things I'm good at. Not sure I could do something else.

One of the main reason why I'm so looking forward to have a baby is being closer to my inner nature. I'm much more than my writings, have a look under the surface! There's a hidden fire.


  1. Writing is a consuming activity and my blog is a tiny way to be able to do it. I spend my day spinning ideas in my head, writing prompts, sentences...I sometimes find the time to write them down and others I have to go on with the daily busyness of being a mom.
    Thank you for adding me to your blogroll!

  2. This is exactly what having a child will do to you: you will find out who you really are. There's no better way, I am convinced of this: you will meet yourself through his/her words and gestures and thoughts, an it will be revealing, and sometimes scary. It will show you HOW MUCH MORE there is of you than your work, your home, your books, your fiancèe, all the other elements of your life. It's going to be amazing, and also very hard and demanding (but rewarding, in a way nothing else can be).

  3. @ Imene: thanks for your comment, it's nice to see you here.
    @ Arte: I know and I can't wait to be honest.

  4. The main risk when one is so focused on writing is losing touch with reality.

    Oh this happens to me a lot too, and, because of 30-months blogging in a foreign language, even more. I have become so absent-minded the people around me are starting to get upset a bit since I fly with my mind even when they are talking to me. I’ll try to fix that, because I love them, però è troppo bello, it is so beautiful writing on a blog.

    You are very creative, and your English is much better than you think, as far as an Italian like you can tell. I have seen you over at Andy, and I've been a lurker here for some time. It is now time to comment and to add you to my blogroll :-)

    All my best regards

  5. Many thanks Man of Roma.
    It is indeed troppo bello writing on a blog and I do like the challenge of writing in English.
    Thanks for adding me!
