Monday, November 15, 2010

A different stage

It's pouring raining and I'm staying at home. Not for the rain, even if it would be a good reason to stay inside. This damp and gray morning makes me think about this stage of my life. I have been dealing with some challenges in the last few weeks. I haven't spent enough quality time with my soul mate. He has been very busy and when we are together we are often tired and/or nervous. We had planned to move in together by the end of this year but the renovation works take longer than expected. The option might be to temporarily move to another place and we are seriously thinking about it. It's not that simple as we need to find a place for few months and there is only one possibility which seems reasonable. However, other people are involved (I do want to go into details here) and more talk is needed. Hopefully, we will sort this out in the following days. I really want to move in with him as soon as possibile. I can't wait any longer and I'm sure our relationship will benefit from living together: we desperately need to live our own life!

More over, I feel completely disconnected from my work. I've realised that I'm not as passionate about my work as I used to be. As above mentioned, this is perhaps just a stage but I don't know how to cope with those unpleasant feelings. They have been "knocking on my head" for a long time and I just can't drop these thoughts as they were not important.

On the plus side, I am getting involved (and I am passionate about it!) in politics. Like many Italians, I'm fed up with Mister B. and I think it's time to get actively involved in order to change the political landscape. I go to local meetings and I support a political party.

I also feel the urge to write and share my thoughts, projects (i.e. knitting stuff) etc. on my blog. It seems that writing keeps me alive and I'd like to move ahead. There's nothing professional in this blog, but I would like a more stylish way to put content on the web as I'm planning to open a virtual shop to sell my handmake scarves.


  1. Wow! OK, there's quite a lot to take in there! With regards to passion - I just wish I felt I had ever really had it ..... for anything!
    But it seems like you have too many things going on right now. Maybe that's why you don't feel so passionate about your job?

  2. Yes!
    Perhaps you're right, andy. I strongly hope you are to be honest!

  3. I sense (r)evolution.
    I think it's a very healthy thing to get fed up with your work sometimes. Nothing's wrong with it. You may only need some small changes to get a new passion for it. Or perhaps, for a while, you should let it run on minimum effort and concentrate on your private life. Once that is set in the new place, you'll feel full of working energy again.

  4. Amazing passion, and great read! Looking forward to reading more.

  5. HI LOLA -- so happy to see you :-) How is Big Boy -,
    sounds like you are transitioning-adjusting-redefining and finding your 'passion' too. Quite an exciting time, and i love the moving in idea - I am truly a romantic sigh....... :-)
    Love to you
